Progress Through Unity

Archives for June 11, 2016

Contract Update


I have had numerous meetings with the Carrier, proposals and counter proposals, in the last couple of weeks. I have been assisted by all of your Vice Chairmen and the Secretary of the General Committee. The International vice president has been present at these meetings, plus our legal department has reviewed our progress.  We took to heart the areas of concern from the members, about the failed temporary agreement. We have tried  in every aspect to make adjustments where we could, while still maintaining what the members approved of the core value.

I, DO NOT, at this time have a new temporary agreement. I have been plagued with questions about officers / members speaking, calling, or emailing members in objection to an agreement. The act of purposely distorting the facts or trying to convince members to “vote NO” on a non existent contract is counter productive. The actions of these officers / members is detrimental to the future of our local. We should be united and instead these officers / members are only trying to divide us. Their actions are not for the greater good of our local.

I ask that at this time you please be patient. This task is of the utmost importance, and it is being handled that way. The talks are 7 days a week either in person, email or on the phone. I have always tried to keep you informed of the facts, not the rumors by the people with bad intent. Please allow your officers who are involved in these talks, the chance to close the deal. We will then be on the property to explain the truth, about the real agreement.

Thank You,

Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman