One of the strongest provisions of the Federal Rail Safety Act Whistleblower Provisionsprohibits a Railroad from denying, delaying or interfering in any way with the medical treatment of an employee who was injured during the course of employment. In addition, if the injured employee requests transportation to a medical facility, as a result of an injury during the course of employment, the Railroad is required to promptly arrange to have the injured Railroad employee transported to the nearest hospital (where the employee can receive safe and appropriate medical care). However, it is incumbent upon the employee to understand these rights and to affirmatively protect them. In other words, an employee must recognize when their employer is attempting to interfere with their medical treatment. This often arises in a context of a Railroad Official’s attempt to influence emergency room treatment. It is well known among Railroad Supervisors that if an emergency room physician prescribes medication or restricts the Railroad employee for working for a period of time, the injury becomes FRA reportable. Because a significant portion of a Railroad Supervisor’s bonus is based upon minimizing FRA reportable injuries, they are highly motivated to influence the emergency room physician against prescribing medication or restricting work activities. However, the Railroad worker must enforce these rights by informing hospital personnel that no medical information is to be discussed with anyone from the Railroad. In other words, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”.