Progress Through Unity

General Chairman Burkert’s Weekly “HOT TOPICS” News

In an effort to better communicate information as quickly as possible to the Local 60 Membership, here is the ” HOT TOPICS” for this week.

A) After a request that I put forth to the Carrier, President Jerome Johnson, will be allowed to perform his duties as Local Chairman in the aspect of Hearings and Waiver consultations effective as of today. Brother Johnson may be dismissed as per NJT but his Union officer duties are still in effect and I made sure that the Carrier respected his elected position.

B) There are 3 new batches of gas mileage checks processed and in the mail to Members. If you have a problem with the amount of the check or any missing information please file it electronically on our Local 60 website as you would a payroll shortage.

C) I attended Labor Relations meeting this week to deal with members claims and to clean up outstanding issues. There will be claims paid, and mailed out to Members before the end of the month.

D) I was in the NY Penn Station crew base on Thanksgiving Day speaking with crews working the holiday. I met with Members in NY again on Wednesday after an appeal hearing. I listened to the members concerns and answered their questions. I want to thank the members for taking the time to speak with me and let me know what are the current issues that concern them.

E) I want to thank all of our Members from both Divisions, and other departments that assisted the RAILMEN for CHILDREN Santa Train that took place this morning. I was in Hoboken at 530AM this morning and there was already finishing touches being done to the equipment. There will be 330+ children in need, along with over 200 adult chaperones, that got to meet Santa and Mrs Claus today along with a large group of other costumed characters. Every child received the special gift that they requested from Santa. NJ Transit provided the train for this very special event. Job well done by all departments for making a child’s holiday very special.

F) This week we also made substantial progress in the Monocular Vision Acuity Testing. Matt Darby, SMART TD DLC, took a deposition from NJT Medical Review Officer at NJT HQ. This was in conjunction with the FRA process of trying to get a field test for monocular vision for our members. I will keep you informed as we go forward in this endeavor.

G) There is a Local 60 Union meeting this Sunday at the Linden VFW Hall adjacent to the station, start time is 10AM.

Please email me feedback or suggestions, I am here for you the Members.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman