Your General Chairman and LCA Local Chairpersons recently met with Michael Rubin the newly created role of “Employee Court Advocate”.
His role is to assist Rail and Bus employees through the court process when they have been assaulted while on duty, help them understand their legal rights and accompany members to court to ensure their rights are protected and prosecutors pursue appropriate charges and sentencing.
Rail Operations has also assigned STM Malik Little as the contact person on the rail side for members who have been assaulted.
The General Committee is optimistic that this will help members who have been assaulted and ensure that prosecutors are aware of the current legislation and do not plead down assault cases.
General Chairman Jerome Johnson will be in constant contact with Mr. Rubin and the GCA will meet periodically with the police department to make recommendations and receive feedback.
We are asking any member who has been assaulted and is currently navigating the court system to contact Mr. Rubin immediately.
Also that all members save these contact numbers and reach out ASAP to everyone when an assault takes place, the NJT Police will be recording all assaults and will focus attention on trains/areas that show a pattern.
Michael Rubin Employee Court Advocate
Office 973-491-8206
Cell 973-289-8984
Malik Little STM
Office 212-502-8015
Cell 973-885-6743
Jerome Johnson GC SMART-TD Local 60
Office 973-527-7018
Cell 908-294-0166