Progress Through Unity

Ticket Receivers NYPS

Good afternoon,

Due to manpower shortage with the Ticket Receivers, NYPS Ticket Receivers window will be closed today from 3pm – 6am Monday morning. If you can’t remit due to this closure, please make a notation on your Cash Report.


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SMART-TD 2022 Meeting Dates

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New Jersey requires all State employees to submit their proof of vaccination or submit to regular testing.

Employees who have not submitted proof of vaccination and also do not comply with the testing process will be subject to disciplinary action. Repeated failure to comply can lead to termination.

Further, vaccinated employees who do not submit proof of vaccination in lieu of weekly testing will also be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

 Employees that have not received a test kit yet should alert their direct supervisor.

If you are fully vaccinated but have not yet submitted proof, follow the instructions below:

  • Sending an email with proof of vaccination, from your @NJTRANSIT address, to

  • In the subject line, you must put your name and 6 digit employee ID number.

  • Attach a copy of your vaccination proof to your email (CDC card, screenshot from the Docket app, NJIIS vaccination record, etc.).

  • Send proof of vaccination as an attachment, do not embed the image in the body of the email. To attach your file, you must first click the “paperclip” icon in Outlook and then navigate to your verification document. Our automated system does not register any information or attachment in the body of your email.

  • Do not send vaccine proof emails to Medical Services or Safety, as it will not be fed to the ECMS data system. It must go to the  email.

  • Only employees who have received both doses of the vaccine and are fully vaccinated should submit proof of vaccination. All other employees are still required to undergo regular testing.

For any COVID-19-related question, please call our hotline at 1-888-890-0729


If you received your vaccination through any internal NJ TRANSIT clinic, you still must submit your proof using the protocol above.


For employees who are undergoing regular testing:

  • Make sure to carefully follow the instructions contained in the test kit.  There is no cost to employees for testing.

  • The employee/donor must do a virtual visit with Vault via Zoom for collection.

  • Bus operations personnel may drop off sealed tests at their work location. 

  • Everyone else must drop off their specimen in a UPS drop box, including UPS drop boxes in HQ or the GOB. Tests are not to be returned to Medical or Safety. This will only delay the time it takes for the specimen to get to the lab, be tested and results reported.

  • If you received a testing kit in error, return the kit to your supervisor. Supervisors should maintain the inventory in the event that someone needs a test kit and did not receive one.

  • Employees who refuse vaccination, or have been medically excused from vaccination, are still required to test weekly.

  • Employees who are out on disability, workers comp., extended leave of absence, suspended or any other circumstance whereby one will not be in the office for more than one week, are not required to test. You will require a test when returning to work.  

Employees with questions regarding NJ TRANSIT’s COVID-19 testing process should contact our testing provider, VAULT, directly. Employees can either email VAULT or call 212-880-5494. Please tell VAULT you are an employee of the State of New Jersey, so its team can direct you accordingly.


Below are updated VAULT testing hours:

  • Sunday – Thursday: 8am-8pm
  • Friday and Saturday: 8am-6pm
  • CLOSED Christmas Day

Employees who are not yet vaccinated can make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination with NJT Medical Services or find a provider through NJ COVID-19 Vaccine Finder at



Brian A. Lapp

SVP & Chief Safety Officer



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Police Request/All Disputes

Brothers and Sisters: 

Please see attached.  This is TRO-12 1.1.8 and 1.1.9 regarding police request and fare disputes.  The protocol is cut and dry.  Please read the rules in its entirety.  
We cannot continue to allow the unsafe operations of trains that endangers our members.  Please use all common sense, but if someone is belligerent, unruly, refuses to pay the fare, abusive both verbally and/or physically follow the steps in the rule.  Please make sure all fare disputes go to the Conductor first.  The Conductor is the one who will resolve the issue one way or the other.   If the Conductor calls the NJTPD to have someone removed who did not adhere to the rules governed by 1.1.8, request the removal of such passengers.  NJTPD “MUST” remove the passengers(s) whether the passenger has a valid ticket or not.  When calling the Local Police, we are governed by their decision.
We must protect ourselves and one another.  The first step is to enforce NJ Transit’s rules and regulations.  NJTPD cannot make someone you feel is unsafe to the passengers, our members or themselves utilize the services because they have a valid ticket.  
I just ask everyone as stated earlier please use common sense.  If the issue is legit, you must follow the rule.  We are the Conductors of our trains, and the trains run as we go.  Please remain professional and courteous, but if you want someone removed from the train for not adhering to the Executive Order regarding mask wearing, fare refusal. any type of abuse to the crew or our passengers, call the police.  


General Chairman/President Smart-TD Local 60/GO-610
8 Wilson Ave 3rd Fl
Newark, N.J. 07060
Office: 973-527-7020

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Cell: 908-294-0166

COVID-19 Self-Testing and HOS Rules


Good afternoon. Attached is a draft of the COVID-19 Self-Testing procedures as it pertains to hours of service rules. I have spoken to Adam in the Rules Department and he stated that the rules for dispatchers will be slightly different due to their rest time between assignments. Also these items will most likely be adjusted as our test procedures become clearer. Any questions or concerns please contact me.


Best Regards,



Michael P Minutillo

T&E HOS Compliance Manager

NJ Transit Rail Operations 2nd Fl. Rm. 232

1148 Newark Turnpike

Kearny, NJ 07032


Office: (201) 246-2996

Mobile: (973) 392-9033

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Efax: (347) 479-1116


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Flexible Spending Account OE 2022 – Rail Agreement Employees

Rail Agreement Employee:

NJ Transit’s Flexible Spending Account (FSA) 2022 Open Enrollment is ongoing through November 30th.  The FSA program allows you to set aside pre-tax earnings to pay for eligible health care or dependent care expenses.  Pre-tax funds are deducted from each paycheck and automatically deposited into an FSA account.  You decide how much to contribute tax-free (subject to regulatory requirements) for the year. 

You may elect to participate in the Medical FSA, a Dependent Care FSA, or both.

For existing 2021 FSA participants, if you choose to continue to participate you are required to re-enroll for the 2022 calendar year.

Medical FSA allows you to pay for eligible expenses that are not covered by the health plan such as deductibles, coinsurance, dental care and vision care.  The total amount you choose to contribute for the year is available on the first day of the plan year (January 1, 2022). Please note that, per IRS guidelines for calendar year 2022, you may carry over the full calendar year 2021 balance (as of 12/31/2021) to calendar year 2022.

Dependent Care FSA allows you to pay for daycare expenses for your dependent children under age 13 or for older dependents not capable of self-care needed to allow you to work.  The amount you choose to contribute must accumulate in your account before you can request reimbursement. Please note that, per IRS guidelines for calendar year 2022, you may carry over the full calendar year 2021 balance (as of 12/31/2021) to calendar year 2022.

As of the printing of this letter, the IRS has not announced the Medical FSA limits for 2022. Please note that FSA limits are subject to regulatory requirements.  

For reference, the 2021 Medical FSA and 2022 Dependent Care FSA Limits are as follows:


Minimum                  Maximum

Medical FSA (unreimbursed medical expenses):                                $240.00                             $2,850

Dependent Care FSA (childcare and adult care expenses):              $240.00                             $5,000 

As a Rail Agreement employee, if you elect to waive medical coverage in the NJ TRANSIT medical plan, you are eligible to receive a $500 contribution toward your Medical FSA account for the calendar year.  In order to receive this benefit, you will need to complete the FSA Enrollment Form indicating your election to waive medical coverage for 2022.  Waiver monies cannot be applied towards a Dependent Care FSA account.

The deadline to submit your FSA Enrollment Form to the NJ TRANSIT Benefits Department is November 30, 2021. 

Please email or fax completed forms to:

SECURE FAX: (201) 992-9307




If you have any questions, please contact Shonta Thomas at (973) 378-6035.


Best Regards,


NJ TRANSIT Employee Benefits Department


Enclosures:  FSA Enrollment Form

                        FSA Participant Benefits

                        FSA Eligible Expenses Listing




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