The Carrier is requesting all crews to report to their sign up locations at their normal sign up times for the next 2 days.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
The Carrier is requesting all crews to report to their sign up locations at their normal sign up times for the next 2 days.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
Over the weekend the NJ Transit Rail put out a new SUPPLEMENTAL BULLETIN ORDER. It addresses changes to operations on both the Newark and Hoboken Division trains. The trains in question are terminating in NY Penn Station, Princeton, Gladstone and the Meadowlands Station. The B.O. advises you to stand in the eastern most vestibule coming through the North River Tunnels. It also advises you to communicate via Rule 21(D). I have worked into NY since the inception of Midtown Direct Service, I would prefer and advise you to take a safer course of action. The front vestibule in the winter is covered in ice and snow, with the doors normally frozen in place. This would leave you no escape route in an emergency. nor do I advocate trying to hold on with one hand while hitting communicating buttons with the other while the train’s own motion is throwing you side to side. The front vestibule is commonly referred to as a “killing zone” since anything the ALP runs over is thrown up into the vestibule and if the overhead catenary wire is damaged all of the debris is naturally thrown into the area where you are supposed to be standing. Also as all crews are well aware the communicating system is not always dependable and historically if a buzzer went off in the engine at the crossover typically the operator thinks there is an emergency. I do not advocate putting an overcrwoded train in an emergency application, when no real emergency exists. The overcrowded trains we work everyday would cause injuries to our passengers when we suddenly stop without a valid reason to do so.
I advise you to follow all the rules. If you have the engine head out, board the engine at your last station stop. Do not stop the train in the middle of a right a way and try to climb up the outside of the ALP. The safer course is to board at a station platform. Discuss this in your job briefing, and adjust as necessary. Once at your final station, then proceed to clear your train of passengers. The safety of the passengers and your crew members is of the utmost importance. Yes, it may be more time-consuming but the safe course is always the better course.
Please remember this quote from the New Jersey Transit Rail Safety Policy … ” NJ Transit Rail is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our co-workers, our customers and the communities we serve” …. ” We recognize the safety rules, training, and procedures are provided and must be followed to ensure safety. Also, we will strive to use our best judgment and make responsible decisions and take actions to prevent accidents and injuries” and .. ” …safety is a vital part of every job”
In closing, I will continue to monitor all aspects of operations to ensure that NJ Transit provides you with a safe work environment.
Please be safe at home and at work.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
Local 60
If you are on a Conductors list and are required to take an assistant conductor or a ticket collector assignment, you must fill out a penalty time card for the Conductor certification arbitrary. List it on penalty card as an 046 claim, everyday you work you need a penalty card. Please send me the time stamped 046 card and the denial so I can progress the claim.
Additionally, any student in the CTP program, follow the above instructions to claim the same arbitrary for every day you have been out qualifying. The time cards must be time stamped, original and your copy, and then get me the pay stub denial so I can progress the claim.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
The “Mentor Program” which is part of the “Conductor Training Program” will resume on Monday August 8, 2016. Modifications in the process have been enacted to provide a better learning experience for the students. There will be regular meetings between the Carrier and SMART TD to further enhance this learning period.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
Members, I have signed a new ” Tentative Agreement” with the Carrier. I will be discussing the scope of this agreement at Sunday’s union meeting. Due to the short time frame I will not have copies available for you at the meeting. I will be starting the required voting process as soon as possible. All eligible members will be receiving a ballot in the mail to cast their vote.
Thank you all for your professionalism during this very stressful time.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
Members, we DO NOT have a Temporary Agreement as of today. I, HAVE NOT AGREED, at this point to extending the cooling off period as has been mentioned in the news media. I am ready to sit and negotiate a new temporary agreement whenever the Carrier is ready to talk. The cooling off period ends on June 30th, 2016, next Thursday. I will update you on the current situation as it arises, I urge all members to please attend our Local meeting this Sunday. There will be special announcements/ plans coming soon based upon how the talks are progressing or not progressing. I can assure all of the members, we have the full support of SMART -TD INTERNATIONAL.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
We are still meeting with New Jersey Transit Rail to try and settle the contract issue. I will let all members know as soon as there are new developments. The only official news to report at this time is that we are still at the table talking.
Thank you and be safe.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
Effective today 5/9/2016 all members who mentor in yards or on the trains will cease this practice. All of the mentoring will be done by the Carrier, they will be solely responsible for this aspect of training. I will keep you informed of any future changes.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman L-60
I urge all members to please protect our work. If you are on a rest day and are available to work, but not on a supplemental list, call the crew callers and let them know. We have many trains that are running short handed due to staffing issues, this puts the crews who are working these trains at a safety disadvantage. The assaults on train crews have risen dramatically lately and more staff on the train is good for our members and for the passengers. Please make yourself available to work so ALL crews are fully staffed. I ask that all crew members who were issued radios, please follow the rules and carry them at all times. If you were never issued a radio send me an email, I will get one assigned as soon as possible. We need to protect our work and each other, being on the property helps us all.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
Members, the tentative agreement will be voted on by you in the near future for ratification. I am working on getting all of the figures and variations in one cohesive format. It will be coming out as soon as possible. I hope to have a special meeting set up soon to go through the entire proposal. It will take a few days so please be patient. The proposal is for longer term than the PEB recommendations, with the general wage increases rising accordingly. I want to thank you all for an outstanding job during a very stressful period.
Stephen J. Burkert
General Chairman
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