Progress Through Unity

Strike Warning

This is in reference to the letter today from Lavell,threatening you, while we are still trying to settle a 5 year old  contract.

IF, we elect to go on strike anyone choosing to report to Ferry street or any other location will be considered a “strike breaker or scab”.

There is a $1000.00 dollar fine per day. Any money the Carrier compensates you will also be fined at triple the rate. If you earn a $100.00 ,the local will then fine you $300.00. You will also be brought up on charges by the local and if found to have worked while we were on strike you will be expelled from the local and lose your employment.

The covers every member from #1 on the roster to the ACTP classes, you are all to report to the locations that you were given, if needed.

Stephen J. Burkert

GC L-60

Railway Age article

Well written and comprehensive explanation regarding our negotiations;

NJT negotiations

Social Media Restraint

I urge all Members of Local 60 and their families, to please refrain from discussing and/or debating our current contract negotiations on public forums. I understand these are very stressful times and some things that are reported in the press releases sometimes are not accurate. I further understand that the comments made by the public, who are unaware of all of the training required to do our profession, are sometimes unpleasant. Please do not comment on the articles since most of the derogatory statements are intended to provoke an emotional response. We have handled this unfortunate situation with class every step of the way and I intend on continuing to do so in the future. If you are using Facebook, that is absolutely not the proper forum to be debating the merits of what we are trying to accomplish. I am sure that there is only good intentions when these actions are taking place, but rest assure what you write on these forums is being evaluated by many interested parties, not all of them for a good reason.

Please rest assure they we are doing everything in our power to avert a work stoppage. We are also cognizant of the fact that it is almost 5 years without a contract that you all so rightfully deserve. Please ” Stay Calm and Carry On ” as the slogan goes, and we will continue to negotiate on your behalf.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman

Weekend Storm

Our GC has had talks with the DGM of transportation on the upcoming inclement weather, all employees scheduled to work Saturday 1-23 & Sunday 1-24 please sign up at your regularly scheduled on duty time, regardless of media reports on the rail system being shut down we are to report. Managers will be at sign up locations to direct members and record attendance upon arrival. Please use caution and common sense when traveling and if you do not think roads are safe stay home. Also if you are unable to make it inform the crew callers or call your sign up location and ask for a supervisor.


WE just got the call NJT ordered to shut down service at 2am or after last train arrives back original terminal. Crews will still be required to report to their regular sign up locations at their regular times, they plan on running trains without passengers through the outage to keep tracks clear as necessary. They also want to have the crews on site to start service back up as soon as possible. Crews are to report to supervisors at terminals for instructions on how prep for their runs.

Update 7:00 pm Saturday;

Service will resume on the NEC and DO (Midtown Direct) at noon tomorrow, all other lines will be evaluated for a noon opening. If possible please report for your assignment and if travel is not safe please contact a supervisor or crew dispatcher for direction. Numbers are below and you can always call the ACD (Chief dispatcher) they will be able to help you.


A message from Legislative Representative Steve Mikola (Wings)

Greetings to all,

As Local 60’s Legislative Representative, I urge you to exercise your constitutional right to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Determine where the candidates on the ballot in your district stand on the issues that are important to YOU, and cast your vote. The power to control the destiny and direction your State and your community is headed, lies in your hands.

Best regards and fraternally yours,
Steve Mikola