Progress Through Unity

Flexible Spending Account

Brother and Sisters: The new Flexible Spending Account administered by TASC should be up and running. Letters from TASC should be coming to all members who participate in the FSA. When you contact them to set up your account, please provide them with your contact information, which should include your email address. If you have any issue with the agent assisting you, please ask for a supervisor. Any questions, or issues, as always never hesitate to reach out via the office #, my cell #, or email address.



FMLA Follow UP

Brothers and Sisters:

The General Committee met with the Senior Director of Human Resources and her staff, along with the Director of FMLA. Any member that believes he/she received this letter in error, because they are in compliance with their current certified FMLA are to call Kathleen Roseme @ 973-491-8023, and Nancy Alvarez @ 973-491-7226. The members should call and ask them to provide you accurate information on how he/she violated the “usage”. We were told if members received these letters in error they will send the member a retraction letter, and call the member personally with an apology. I IMPLORE everyone to call if you believe you received the letter in error.

Have a great weekend.

Local 60 News 1/15/2019

The Carrier is investigating two proposals which I have discussed with them regarding our Members. The first has to do with an 8 for 8 daily pay for all Members, whether in the yard or passenger service. The second has to do with the assistant conductor new hire classes. I explained to the Carrier that we are not getting enough applicants for hire because it takes too long to achieve full rate of pay over 5 years. I have requested the old standard be reinstated of three years for full rate. The Carrier is researching both proposals at this time. I have asked the Carrier not to wait until the end of the year to implement both of these proposals, as it will benefit both the Member and the Carrier. I will keep the Members informed as information becomes available.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman  

Local 60 News

Members as you are aware our present contract runs through December 31 of this year. I will be able to present to NJ Transit on October 1 what we are looking to achieve in the next round of negotiations.  I have sat with the Carrier, informally, numerous times since the last Agreement was signed to discuss ideas from our side of the table. Work rule changes will be in the forefront in this round of talks. I have already secured the change in DH compensation through claims. I believe higher wages, everyone being paid for all time on duty and adjusting the new hire wage progression back to its original time limits, will be at the top of the list. The hourly wage should be brought in line with our comparable railroad neighbors. I will keep you informed as information develops.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman

Election News

I contacted SMART TD on December 17, 2018 after a hundred or more Member ballots were returned by the U.S. Post Office to our Netcong office. The ballots were all marked as “UNDELIVERABLE”. I contacted SMART TD because, according to our constitution, there are time constraints when remailing ballots. I attached photos to illustrate the issue with the ballots. SMART TD immediately replied saying that the ballots in the photos did not conform to the SMART TD CONSTITUTION and the ballots would have to be completely redone. I was asked at this time whether the same issue occurred during the November election. I was told that because the defect was the same, the November election would also have to be redone.

The ballot preparation was done in the Netcong office and supervised by Local President Johnson and Secretary Sussman. I had nothing to do with the preparation of either sets of ballots, contrary to the rumors that are on the property. SMART TD took issue with the ballot preparation because it did not comply with the SMART CONSTITUTION. I ask that you please read the following letter from SMART TD so you have truthful information.

I will keep the Members informed as I receive more information about the election. I wish you all a safe New Years Holiday.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman

NJ Transit Holiday Celebrations

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General Chairman Burkert’s Weekly “HOT TOPICS” News

In an effort to better communicate information as quickly as possible to the Local 60 Membership, here is the ” HOT TOPICS” for this week.

A) On Monday of this week I was in Atlantic City Terminal to speak with our Members affected by the service suspension. I also spoke with Senator Chris Brown and a group of NJ Assembly Members about the rail suspension and the reasons why it must happened. I explained to all who were present that I am pushing for a more robust train schedule when the train service resumes. I facilitated and am a part of a meeting with NJ Transit and the AC Convention Center entity for next week, ahead of the line suspension, to discuss their needs for better schedules for their employees and events. We will also have a group from the AC Casino industry involved to provide their work shift information.

B) On Wednesday of this week I had the pleasure of welcoming a new class of students that are taking our Conductor Training Program. This is the second class of the year, 18-02 and has 25 students. I enjoyed speaking with the new class and answering their questions about our craft and our job responsibilities. I wanted to impress on them that we are a family here at Local 60 and welcome them.

C) Yesterday I was in Bay Head yard speaking with both morning and afternoon crews about ACRL and other current events. I did have a good opportunity to explain legislation coming out in the future on RESIDENCY LAW, CREW ASSAULT BILL and a MINIUMUM CREW SIZE. I have been extremely active along with Ron Sabol NJSLD in improving protections for our Members through communication and education of our politicians.

D) While in Bay Head yard Ron Sabol and I gave an afternoon tour of the facility and yard to NJ Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling from Monmouth County. We explained the importance of the yard, the effects of Superstorm Sandy and the need for improvements for our passengers in reliable equipment. Houghtaling appreciates the importance of the train service and agreed that we should always look to improve the service.

Please email me feedback or suggestions, I am here for you the Members.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman



I am Stephen J. Burkert, General Chairman for SMART TD. My union represents the Conductors, Assistant Conductors and Ticket Collectors that work for NJ TRANSIT Rail Division. I have been employed as a NJ Transit conductor for 30 years. I pride myself on being an advocate for my Members as well as our passengers.

The past few weeks have been extremely difficult for anyone who has had to travel or work on our transit system. I write this letter hoping to clarify  truthful statements and to dispel what has been falsely put out to you, the passengers, via radio, newspapers or television.

I do not condone annulled trains for any reason unless there is an emergency situation involving a safety issue. I completely understand the passengers frustration in standing on a platform waiting for a train to arrive and then being told over the Public Address system it is annulled. I understand the financial impact on already strained paychecks for cabs, Ubers and extended daycare, not to mention the time lost with your families at home.

I would like to begin with “crew shortages” and annulled trains. It was recently attributed that trains were annulled due to conductors not being available, this statement is NOT TRUE. The shortage of engineers is why trains were annulled. Without an engineer to operate the train locomotive there cannot be service. Annulments were not caused by a lack of availability of the men and women in uniform on our trains. The engineer shortage is a direct result of NJ Transit being underfunded for the last 8 years.

The Federal Railroad Administration places work rules on both of our crafts that are similar to pilots or truck drivers. In the past we were allowed to work trains in an unlimited string of days without a rest day. The recent rule change dictates that rest days must be taken. NJ Transit lacked the funds to hire conductors and engineers to make up the short fall, thus there is a shortage of employees and more train annulments. The training program for both positions are similar in duration, 2 years, and due to recent increased funding by Governor Murphy and the State Legislature more classes are projected. I work alongside NJ Transit within the training program. We are working together to make improvements for future employees.

The train conductors DO NOT choose which trains will run service and which trains will be annulled. I understand that waiting for the next train is inconvenient as it will be more crowded, but yelling your complaints at the crew when the door opens is misplaced. They are ordered by NJ Transit supervisors to work those trains, they have no power in the decision. The train crew is placed in a position to transport the passengers safely from point A to point B, while picking up double the amount of passengers. The crews are trying to accomplish this with as little added disruption as possible while being courteous to irate passengers. The reason trains are short coaches or annulled completely, due to mechanical issues, has to do with spare parts. The last 8 years of underfunding has left NJ Transit’s spare parts bins empty. If there had been more money allotted for spare parts we would all be in a much better state of affairs today.

The train crews are ordered to collect revenue whether the train in front of them was annulled or late. If your train is delayed for mechanical issues they are still required by NJ Transit to collect revenue. The train crews are NOT empowered to issue refunds. Train crews who have tried to appease passengers and not charge fares for a delayed train are brought up on disciplinary charges. If a passenger refuses to pay a fare, NJ Transit rules dictate the police must be called. Again, I understand the frustration of paying a fare for a service you deem inferior, but you are placing the blame on a train crew member who is only trying to do the job they are required to perform. Crews are required to work overtime, and many of my members do, some in excess of 70 hours a week, many assignments have over-time built into them and most employees do work on their scheduled days off to provide service for our passengers.

It has been published that train crews are responsible for trains that are short coaches, that statement is FALSE. The crews report to work for their shift and are directed to a train set which will be used on that day. The crew does not get to pick which trains have more or less coaches.

The train crew is NOT responsible for mechanical issues or malfunctions. I can assure you we are not responsible for the overflowing toilets and we are just as inconvenienced as you, if not more so. We have had crews stuck with those overflowing toilets for over 6 hours. The train crew has no input when there are zero toilets in a train set. Crews will try their best to fix a minor malfunction if they are able, but we are not trained mechanics.

Passengers have taken to social media when service disruptions have occured looking for solutions. They have received advice from NJ Transit Customer Service that may have been misunderstood or incorrect. The conductors are given direction from their train supervisors who are not customer service representatives. I am working with NJ Transit to insure that the messages or responses that are given to passengers via social media are correct in substance and comply with the rules and regulations that trains crews must abide by while working.

While passengers are justified in expressing their displeasure over NJ Transit in recent weeks, they are never justified when anger is directed toward train crews. Recently crews have been verbally assaulted and passengers have spit on them. Two female crew members have been physically thrown off their trains for no other reason than a male passenger was angry. Conductors are being assaulted and have been transported to hospitals for serious injuries. The train crew is there to insure your safety, it is a top priority while you are on our system, they do not deserve to be a crime victim for showing up to do their assigned jobs.

I look forward to discussing the Atlantic City Rail Line suspension with NJ Transit in the near future. I will certainly offer my assistance and past knowledge to Executive Director Corbett. If the suspension can be avoided completely or reduced in duration it would be extremely beneficial to my members and those passengers who reside and work in South Jersey and the Philadelphia area.

I hope this letter clarifies some recent events. I will continue in my efforts to return NJ Transit back to a top notch transportation system that the passengers deserve.


Thank you,

Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman


Fare Collection During AMTRAK Service Disruptions


This has been a very stressful month for both you and our passengers that utilize NJ Transit. AMTRAK will be performing work to improve rail conditions in Penn Station NY. This work will involve both redirecting trains and closing tracks. Certain trains may be rerouted to a different terminal during this time. Our responsibility during this time is to perform our duties as professionally and safely as possible. We are tasked with collecting ALL of the fares on the train that we work. Please be mindful there is no rule that allows us “not to collect fares” during a service disruption.

If a passenger causes a disturbance on board a train or refuses to pay a fare, please be polite and explain to them you are required to call for police assistance for a fare refusal. If after this explanation no payment of fare is made, call the line dispatcher and request police assistance. While waiting for the police assistance, please make a PA announcement about the delay. Once police assistance arrives on scene, the passenger who refused to pay the fare will be removed from the train. There will be no opportunity for the passenger once the police arrive, to then pay the fare, since the train has already been delayed.  The passenger will then be under the direction of the police officer on scene.

In closing, the recent AMTRAK service disruptions were never our fault nor were the delays that followed. I am asking all members for patience and understanding when dealing with our passengers. I would hope the passengers extend the same amount of respect and courtesy to our crews, as we strive to get them to their destinations safely.

Thank you and be safe,

Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman- Local 60

Wednesday Train Service 3/15/17

The Carrier is requesting all crews that normally work on Wednesday to report at their normal time and location. Please be safe in your travels.

Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman