NJTRO Cell Phone Policy
Mileage Update
The verification mileage team has recently reported that they processed all mileage received (Scantron Date) “Week 15, March 30 – April 5 was the latest sent over.”
There was a SCANTRON issue on the receiving end earlier this year, and some sheets sent may not have reached the verification department.
If you have mileage sent in prior to the above date and have yet to receive payment, it is recommended that you re-submit via SCANTRON, or submit on Payroll Shortage Form (utulocal60.com) and attach the sheets to the submission.
The Integrify/E-Timecard team is currently working on a mileage submission form, and we are hopeful that this may alleviate the reoccurring issues we have with mileage reimbursement
Contact Scott Spratt with any questions or issues sspratt@utulocal60.com or 973-223-8654
Jerome Johnson GC/President’s Cellphone
Attention All Memmbers,
Jerome Johnson’s cellphone is back in service. Please only call him in an emergency situation. Please continue to contact your Local Chairperson for all issues that need to be addressed.
Jerome Johnson GC/President’s Phone OOS
Attention All Members,
Jerome Johnson’s cell phone is temporarily not working. Please contact your Local chairperson for any issues that need to be addressed.
Local-A Scott Spratt 973-223-8654
Local-B Rashonda Brown 973-722-9433
Local-C Greg Roberts 973-868-0091
New Jersey SMART-TD Members, Vote-By-Mail for June 7th Primary!