Progress Through Unity

NJ TRANSIT Health Advisory (COVID-19 Hotline Hours of Operation)

ATTENTION EMPLOYEES As COVID cases decrease significantly here at NJ TRANSIT, and our nation begins to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, we should all feel very proud of the fact that we have persevered through so much adversity, with so much … [Continue reading]

Employee Message from President & CEO Kevin Corbett – May 28, 2021

Dear Colleagues, Today, the federal government completed an environmental review and issued a decision that will shape our region and benefit our customers for decades to come. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Federal Transit … [Continue reading]

Nextel Phone Service

Date: Friday May 28th, 2021 ATTN: Conductors and Assistant Conductors RE: Nextel Phone Service Please be advised on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021, Nextel phone service will be discontinued for anyone that has already been issued a Mobile Validation … [Continue reading]

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Mask and Social Distancing Guidance Update for all NJT Employees

ATTENTION EMPLOYEES   Yesterday, Governor Murphy announced a significant easing of the following COVID-19-related restrictions, beginning on Friday, May 28th: New Jersey will no longer require people to wear masks at indoor public places in most … [Continue reading]

Mileage Check Issues

Good afternoon all, We are aware that we had an issue with some checks without Microcline, a new check has been printed and will be ready or pick up staring tomorrow. Please contact Adeyemi, Kunle if you want to pick up check … [Continue reading]

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Recent Mileage/Expense Checks

One of the recent batches of mileage checks processed were sent without details of assignments/days paid, for a detailed version of what was paid please email,  CC  You must include the check number, your … [Continue reading]

Upcoming Vaccine Availability at NJT Locations

ATTENTION EMPLOYEESNext week, from May 25th through May 27th, NJ TRANSIT will proudly join forces with the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) to offer space at Newark Penn Station, Secaucus Junction, and the Walter Rand Transportation Center to … [Continue reading]

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