Progress Through Unity

Archives for April 27, 2018

General Chairman Burkert’s Weekly “HOT TOPICS” News

In an effort to better communicate information as quickly as possible to the Local 60 Membership, here is the ” HOT TOPICS” for this week.

A) I attended a meeting this week for an overview/conclusion of the OPEN DOOR COMMITTEE. The Members on this team have been out on the property discussing how to properly lock out defective doors plus talking with crew members about other important safety issues. The team spoke with almost 700 crew members and received very valuable feedback from the train crews. Thank you to all Members who participated in this program.

B) I met with our SMART TD Designated Legal Counsel Matt Darby over our pending SLEEP APNEA litigation. I urge all Members who incurred lost time or expenses, whether you were positive or negative, please contact me at asap if you have not already. I will keep you informed via this forum on the progress of the case.

C) I attended the NJTPD ANNUAL AWARDS CEREMONY this week where 3 of our Members received awards for their heroic actions while working as Train Crew Members. I want to add my congratulations for all 3 on  a fantastic job representing our craft. Please feel free to congratulate CHRIS DUNN, CHET WIELGOLINSKI and DAVID MOUNTZOURIS for receiving the “ Civilian Commendation Award”.  Thank you also to NJTPD Chief Trucillo and Deputy Chief Clark for a lavish awards ceremony for our Members and others, it was a 1st class event


D) I have filed a PENALTY CLAIM on behalf of all Extra List Members. The issue was brought to my attention by Sister Roshonda Brown at last month’s Local 60 meeting. The claim states that if a “CTP Student” is given an assignment that rightfully should have been given in proper order to a Member there is a Mishandling Claim. The CREW CALLERS should be notifying the Member on the Board of any job that went to a student ahead of them so a claim can be processed. The earnings of the original assignment given to the student should be claimed by the mishandled Member.

E) I attended a meeting this week with Human Resources about future employment for not only our craft but all of Rail, Bus and Corporate. I asked for more communications on job postings ANYWHERE inside NJT. I have asked for television screens be installed at all sign up locations that will constantly show any job openings or JOB FAIR DAYS. This will give our Members or their families the opportunity to apply for the vacancies. I will keep you updated on the progress of our endeavors.

F) I ask any Member who is running a social media site concerning our craft to either shut it down or severely limit the access to only LOCAL 60 MEMBERS. There has been a recent surge in confidential information that our Members use as a resource that is going public. I would prefer that Members either contact our Officers for information or visit this site only. The Carrier has also been trolling these websites and NOT to the benefit of our Members. Please heed this warning before anymore damage transpires. Thank you.

Please email me feedback or suggestions, I am here for you the Members.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman