Progress Through Unity

Transit Members: Ask Your Rep. to Cosponsor H.R. 1139 /// Rail Members: Action Needed in CO and WA

Bus and Transit Members: Good news, H.R. 1139, the Transit Worker and Pedestrian Protection Act, now has 65 co-sponsors. But we need more to show that this bill has widespread support.  If you have not already done so, click on the link below to send a message to your member of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 1139. Click Here to Send Cosponsor Message to your U.S. Representative Once you click on the link, click on the “take action” button and enter your street address. You will find a sample message to send to your Representative. You can either send that message, or tailor to your specific style.

Rail Members and Retirees: As fully expected, the Railroads are doing a full court press in every state capitol where we have two-person crew legislation introduced. They are good at stopping bills – that is why their paid lawyer/lobbyists are some of the best around. But while they have the suits, we have the numbers. And in Colorado and Washington, we need your help right now. In Colorado, the two-person crew legislation has been sent to Governor Polis. He has 10 days to take action – if no action taken, the bill becomes law with no signature. If you are a Colorado resident and have not yet sent a message asking Governor Polis to sign HB 1039 into law, please do so right now. Send a Message to Governor Polis Asking Him to Sign HB 1039 Members and retirees in the other 49 states, if you have friends or family in Colorado, send them the above link and ask them to send a message to their governor. Every contact can be a difference maker. In the state of Washington, two-person crew legislation was passed out of committee (introduced as HB 1841, Safe Train Crew Size), and now proceeds to the House floor. The railroads are in full force to try stop the vote. If you are a Washington state member or retiree (or if you have family that live in Washington), click on the link below to find out how to contact your state representative. Contact Your Washington State Representative to Vote Yes on HB 1841 And there are even more efforts around the country. Hearings were recently held in several states, including Nebraska, Georgia, Illinois and Oregon, with many more upcoming. Look to your emails for continued state updates.
In solidarity,

John Risch
National Legislative Director
SMART Transportation Division