Progress Through Unity

Archives for July 26, 2021

NJ TRANSIT Health Advisory (COVID-19)

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Today, we would like to remind you of the critical importance of getting vaccinated – for your health and the heath of others, including your fellow employees.


In the words of Governor Murphy, “Vaccines work. They are proving more than 99.9% effective in preventing people from contracting the virus, 99.99% effective in keeping people out of the hospital, and 99.999% effective in keeping people alive.” Please see the following articles:


For up-to-date vaccine locations in New Jersey, please visit

NWJCLC Annual Night at the Park

Friend of Labor, 

The Northwest Jersey Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO cordially invites you to support our efforts in representing the nearly 40,000 hardworking men and women of Morris, Sussex, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. 

Please join us for our 4th Annual Night at the Park to be held Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 at the Park Savoy Estate. (details attached)

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