Progress Through Unity

Archives for December 17, 2021


Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters:  

Bulletin 50 will be released no later than tomorrow Saturday 12/18/21 by 12p.m. The Union has agreed to work with the Carrier on this issue, because of the mistakes caused as a result of the last two bulletins. We are trying to stop the bleeding from the mistakes made, which have been at the detriment of our members.  This is just the first step of correcting the errors, but we didn’t want the errors to compound. You will see some pertinent changes in this bulletin if done correctly, and more changes will, should happen in the upcoming days.
As always we will keep the membership posted with accurate information, but only when that information is solidified.
Thank you all for you patience and trust!  
Please post and share on our websites and text blast.

General Chairman/President Smart-TD Local 60/GO-610
8 Wilson Ave 3rd Fl
Newark, N.J. 07060
Office: 973-527-7020
Cell: 908-294-0166