Progress Through Unity

Archives for May 5, 2022

New Jersey SMART-TD Members, Vote-By-Mail for June 7th Primary!



Vote-by-mail (VBM) is now ongoing in New Jersey for the June 7th primary. You should by now have your mail ballot if you are on the list to VBM for future elections. You can track your VBM ballot here. Note, you cannot return your VBM at your polling place or early vote center. You must mail back the ballot.


If you would like to VBM, there is still time to request ballot for the primary election through your county office. The deadline is June 3rd.


Voting early by mail is a great way to ensure your work schedule, or a family emergency does not impact your right to vote. And no matter which party ballot and candidate you choose, choose to vote!


In Solidarity

Ron Sabol

New Jersey State Legislative Director

SMART Transportation Division