2023 Juneteenth Holiday – Verification Dept Memo
Submitting penalties for violation of rule 14 (Roster)
Please submit penalties for violation of rule 14 seniority, this pertains to the roster not being published by the agreed of date of 03/01/2023.
Submit for all dates from 03/01/2023 through 03/27/2023 (including relief days)
Submit on Integrify as a “Penalty Claim”
Mandatory fields will be the name, employee number, date, division, claim detail. Copy and paste the below language in the claim detail line (no claim code necessary). Unit of compensation use Hours-08:00
Pay eight-hour penalty for violation of Rule 14 (fourteen) letter “C” SMART-TD (UTU) Roster not posted in accordance of agreement, roster was not posted/shared with GC Johnson until 03/28/2023.
The roster will be revised and posted by March 1 of each year (except that in 1983, the roster will be posted no later than May 1) and will be open for-protest by the employee or his duly accredited representative for a period of 45 calendar days from date of posting. Protests on seniority dates will be confined to names added or changes made since posting the previous rosters.
Paste the same language in the remarks box.
See attached sample timecard.
Please see 2023 Good Friday Holiday memo attached
Due to the upcoming OTE holiday the following will apply:
Good Friday Holiday – April 7, 2023
All timecards/eClaims *Must Be received No Later Than 11am Thursday, April 6, 2023 to be
considered Current and paid on Thursday April 13, 2023.
Any and all cards stamped or eClaims received in the T & E Department after 11am on April 6,
2023 will be processed for the following pay period which will be paid on Thursday, April 20,,
Rail Safety Shoe/Boot Program and 2023 Spring Shoe Truck Schedule!
Rail Employees,
The Office of System Safety is pleased to announce an updated Safety shoes and boots catalog available to all Rail employees with the Mobile Shoe Truck schedule to appear at 21 Rail locations throughout the state.
Attached you will find the Rail Safety Boot/Shoe Program Information, the new list of boots and shoes available and the Spring Shoe Truck Schedule. As always, all footwear listed are set at discounted prices exclusively for Rail employees. In addition to this discounted price, all Rail employees may purchase any boot listed and receive one (1) $60.00 subsidy per calendar year for one regular boot or shoe as well as one (1) additional $60.00 subsidy per calendar year for the purchase of one Winter Boot.*
*Please note, employees may make multiple purchases at the discounted prices listed, however employees will only receive one (1) $60.00 subsidy for a regular boot or shoe as well as one (1) additional $60.00 subsidy for a winter boot.
Please provide program feedback and relevant questions to W. Feeney, Safety Program Coordinator, at WFeeney@NJTransti.com
Bill Feeney
Safety Programs Administrator
Office of System Safety, Compliance
One Penn Plaza, Floor 4
Work: 973.491.8945
Cell: 862.279.4727
Efax: 973.609.1978
Mileage Corrections
If you recently received a mileage check for dates in July and August of 2022, these are a rate correction to mileage previously paid.
They were initially paying the old rates and did not adjust for the increase that took effect on 07/01/2022
Uniform Allowance
2023 Uniform allowance payments were made on December 15, 2022
If you are currently working and did not receive payment email Scott Spratt at sfsprattsmarttd60@gmail.com
If you recently returned from an extended absence you will need to send a reminder once you have received your first paycheck, payment will be made according to our agreement
Year-End Cash-in Request Guidelines
With the end of the year coming up I just wanted to remind employees of some of the best practices for filling out the cash-in request timecards. If these guidelines are followed, then it would help us out a lot in getting all of these payments processed as quickly and accurately as possible:
1) Requests should be for only type of PTO (vacation, personal, or sick) cash-in per timecard submitted
2) Timecard comments should state to pay remaining balance of the PTO type for 2022 instead of the specific amount (e.g. “Pay remaining 2022 vacation balance” or “Pay all unused 2022 personal days”)
3) There is no need for anyone to submit a separate timecard for each individual day that is being cashed in (e.g. a 32-hour vacation cash-in should be submitted on one request instead of four separate requests)
4) Since we are now using electronic timecards there should not be a need for anyone to submit duplicate timecards. They can email me or the verification department with the request ID# and we can check the status of the request.
Mark Falanga
Manager of Payroll
180 Boyden Avenue
Maplewood, NJ 07040
Tel: 973-378-6121