Progress Through Unity

Brother and Sisters: Please see Carrier response and direction for media report regarding Self Quarantine for people that visited NY and return to another state.

Please see attached.

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Brothers and Sisters: Please see Department of Health Guidance for Close and Casual Contact (COVID-19)

Please see attached:

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NJ Transit COVID-19 Process for Notification

Brothers and Sisters please see attached.

Download (PDF, 295KB)

Schedule for 03/20/20 and moving forward or UFN

Tomorrow Friday, 03/20/2020 and until further notice NJ Transit will be operating weekend schedule.


Gladstone Branch will run a modified weekend schedule, trains will run.

Atlantic City will operate a regular weekday schedule.

Crews are to report at their regular scheduled on duty time for the assignment you own on a regular day.

It does not matter if you do not work weekends sign up at your regular assigned time if your assignment works that day.

It does not matter if you work weekends if you work sign up at the regular on duty time for the day reporting.

If you are off (your assigned relief days) do not report to work, your still off.

Please continue to report as your job is advertised daily, and moving forward, until instructed otherwise.

You will work as directed by supervision or the chief dispatcher.

Please check for updates

Latest recommendations from the CDC below.

SMOHIT Administrator
In light of the fast moving events regarding COVID-19, please review the latest recommendations from the CDC below.
Guidance as of 3/15/2020
Large events and mass gatherings can contribute to the spread of COVID-19 in the United States via travelers who attend these events and introduce the virus to new communities. Examples of large events and mass gatherings include conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings, and other types of assemblies. These events can be planned not only by organizations and communities but also by individuals.
Therefore, CDC, in accordance with its guidance for large events and mass gatherings,recommends that for the next 8 weeks, organizers (whether groups or individuals) cancel or postpone in-person events that consist of 50 people or more throughout the United States.
Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing. When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.
This recommendation does not apply to the day to day operation of organizations such as schools, institutes of higher learning, or businesses. This recommendation is made in an attempt to reduce introduction of the virus into new communities and to slow the spread of infection in communities already affected by the virus. This recommendation is not intended to supersede the advice of local public health officials.

Quarantine/Self-Quarantine/School Closures

Brothers and Sisters:  When a member is either quarantined by a medical physician, instructed to self-quarantine by a medical physician, sent home by NJ Transit supervision because a member displays symptoms of a illness that emulates the flu or Coronavirus,  or when a members is affected by their child or children’s school closure, please Mark Off in the following fashion.

Callers have been provided with markoff status codes for employees marking off for:
Quarantine/Diagnosis – Self or Family
School Closure 
Once we get the template for the timecards they will be posted on our sites.  They will also be posted at sign up locations.
In Solidarity,

Medical Policy

Brothers and Sisters: The following is in response to my inquiry regarding members having to report to Medical Services when out of service medically.

“In anticipation of the increased social distancing recommendations, Medical Services has already implemented protocol changes whereby employees can do their 30 day follow-ups via telephone interview. This practice will remain in effect until the guidelines for social distancing are lifted, at which time the existing Medical Policy guidelines will be in effect.”



Coronovirus Message from Smart-TD International President Ferguson

Happy New Years!!

I would like to wish a Happy New Years to all the sisters and brothers of Local 60.  I hope everyone took this time to spend and share with your family and friends. I also ask for all of us to reflect on the one’s all of us have lost this past years.  The year 2019 was a difficult year for some of our brothers and sisters.  Many of our members lost parents, children, siblings, and obviously brother and sisters of Smart-TD Local 60.  These unfortunate, but inevitable deaths should help all of us understand tomorrow is not promised.  We should take this time to learn to love one another, and at the least respect one another.  Respect is a MUST!!

I ask all of our members to give the change and new direction of our local a chance.  Our local had been plagued with disfunction and division.  I would like to thank all the union officers for their dedication, hard work, and pride they put in everyday supporting the vision we believe our local should go in, and what the members of Local 60 deserve and should expect.  With this great team the vision will come to fruition.  

I would like to thank all the members of Smart-TD Local 60 for the dedication, handwork, pride, professionalism, and respect they display everyday when performing their duties day after day, regardless of the circumstance.  Without our members nothing is possible.  

Lets collectively make the year 2020 better for our families, for our friends and for our brothers and sisters of Smart-TD Local 60.  With our members unified anything is possible, if we’re divided failure is the future and that would be unacceptable.  As ONE we’ll get it done!  



RRB 2020 Information

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