Progress Through Unity

Archives for July 2018

General Chairman Burkert’s Weekly “HOT TOPICS” News

In an effort to better communicate information as quickly as possible to the Local 60 Membership, here is the ” HOT TOPICS” for this week.

A) The Carrier is running many trains on “One Way Trips” without cab cars. This leaves the vestibule on the rear of the train as a safety issue. I have asked the Carrier to please put in writing how crews are to secure the last vestibule? Is the body end door to be locked or is that a safety violation? Is the crew allowed to completely lock out those last two doors? Does a crew Member have to be stationed at that door for the entire trip? I am waiting for the Carrier to officially respond to my inquire.

B) I want to congratulate CTP Class 17-02, the entire class passed their “Conductor Promotion Test” on the first try. Kudos also go out to all of the Ferry Street CTP instructors and Rules Department who taught the material. The CTP program will only get stronger in teaching methods and producing students prepared to work in our craft.

C) RAILMEN for CHILDREN will be having their BIKE RUN fundraiser tomorrow, Saturday July 28th at TRAMONTIN HARLEY DAVIDSON.  There is still time to help raise funds for our Santa Train in December. Last year over 330 under privileged children took the train ride, received a gift, had lunch and met Santa all at no charge to any student or teacher. Please support the event, look for more details on this webpage’s home page under Events & Fundraisers.

D) Any Member who has received a G-250 notice about a hearing from the Carrier. It is now Imperative that you fill out the form on this webpage’s home page. Please give as much info as possible so your Local Committee Officers can assist you in this process. This will help streamline the process and keep all officers updated.


Please email me feedback or suggestions, I am here for you the Members.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman

Northwest Jersey Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO 1st Annual Night at the Park

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Conductor to LETP opportunity 15K Bonus

The Human Resources Department is currently seeking internal Certified Conductor applicants for the upcoming Locomotive Engineer Training Program (LETP).

We have added a $15,000 Bonus for all Conductors who successfully complete the LETP and become Locomotive Engineers!!

For consideration, you will be required to participate in several phases before being hired:

  1. Apply to the position and take the LETP Pre-qualification test (upcoming tests scheduled for the middle of August)
  2. Attend a panel interview to become a LETP Trainee
  3. Take the Pre-Employment Assessment Tests (three online, timed assessment tests that will be assessing critical skills in reasoning and behaviors, rules comprehension, and the ability to focus)

NJ Transit is always looking for opportunities to improve the effectiveness of our internal training programs. Therefore, as you have already experienced while pursuing your career as a NJT Conductor, we do heavily rely on pre-employment aptitude testing to help us identify the strongest applicants.

All internal and external candidates interested in the LETP are required to participate in these mandatory steps for employment consideration.

I have attached the flyer for you to read and review for any additional questions pertaining to the employment transfer from Conductor to Locomotive Engineer positions.

 Please note: Student Trainees in the Assistant Conductor Training Program (ACTP) are not eligible for transfer into the LETP until they have completed the Assistant Conductor Training Program and become qualified Conductors. Internal applicants must use their own vacation, sick and/or personal days to participate in all LETP pre-employment recruitment phases.

If you are still interested in pursuing this career changing opportunity, please complete the attached Transfer Form and the LETP application and return them both to me by end of day on Wednesday- August 1st 2018.

Applications received after Wednesday, August 1stwill not be considered for the upcoming Fall LETP.

 Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Good Luck and Best Regards,

Valerie J. Green

Sr. Human Resources Business Partner

Human Resources Department

180 Boyden Avenue- Maplewood NJ 07040

P: 973-378-6080

1 Penn Plaza- Newark NJ 07105

P: 973-491-8055

EFax: 973-833-8162

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General Chairman Burkert’s Weekly “HOT TOPICS” News

In an effort to better communicate information as quickly as possible to the Local 60 Membership, here is the ” HOT TOPICS” for this week.

A) I met with the Carrier today about the DH TRAVEL TIMES. The Carrier has agreed that effective immediately that Division Notice will be cancelled until more accurate information can be put out to our Members. There were numerous errors in travel times and how those travel times were being applied.

B) Minimum DH Travel Times is a mandate from the FRA and is listed under the FEDERAL CODE OF REGULATIONS. The CFR was put in place to prevent a person from working an assignment that they are not rested to work. An example would be someone who lives in Atlantic City but claims 9 minutes deadhead travel time to cover a job in Port Jervis. This is not an NJ Transit policy nor is it a contractual item, the FRA has made it mandatory.

C) I attended the NJ Transit Board of Directors meeting this week. I did have a chance to speak with Executive Director Kevin Corbett. I will be meeting with him soon on a couple of critical items including SLEEP APNEA, 11th Amendment and Missed Transportation Reports.

D) I did ask superintendent Antell about broken chairs in the Pennsylvania hotel, he stated replacements are on their way. I also spoke to superintendent Dolan about Hoboken, he will be making arrangements for new chairs and fixing the leaking ceiling.

E) There will be extra train service on Friday for a concert at Meadowlands Stadium, please call crewcallers if you are available to work.

F) I attended the CONDUCTOR TRAINING PROGRAM meeting. The main topic was the mentors for the new students, we are working on a more comprehensive program to assist in the learning process. There will be a new class starting in the middle of August.

Please email me feedback or suggestions, I am here for you the Members.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman

General Chairman Burkert’s Weekly “HOT TOPICS” News

In an effort to better communicate information as quickly as possible to the Local 60 Membership, here is the ” HOT TOPICS” for this week.

A) NJ TRANSIT received $242 million dollars this year from the approved NJ State budget. Last year NJ TRANSIT received approximately $23 million. I want to thank all Members who contribute to our PAC fund. I also want to thank Ron Sabol SMART TD NJSLD. I have spent countless hours with him meeting all types of politicians, including Governor Murphy, explaining the needs of NJ Transit. I am happy to say our efforts were successful.

B) I am setting up a meeting with the Carrier and NJTPD over Member’s concerns that were brought up at our Local 60 Union meeting last week. I am just waiting on a few dates and times to finalize the meeting. I will give an update after the meeting on the discussions.

C) The Local 60 President will be posting a notice on the property concerning the SMART TD (Green)Travel Card. I have spoken to the Local Officers again about a misconception of card usage. The green traveling card is NOT GOOD for travel and should not be used in such manner.

D) I met with another CTP class at Ferry Street, this time it was 17-02. I had a great conversation dealing with crewcaller complaints or questions on their DH and gas miles. I hope they all signed up for our 313131 service so this will be their first alert message. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking to the class and answering their questions, the class as a whole is doing quite well in their training.

Please email me feedback or suggestions, I am here for you the Members.


Stephen J. Burkert

General Chairman

Railman for Children Fundraiser

Railmen for Children has a benefit running this month is with Quality Automotive of Blairstown NJ
They are donating $ 5.00 for every oil  change that comes into their business during the entire month of July.
This is with NJT employees and all their customers.
You can call them and make an appointment and wait for it or leave it.
Quality Automotive  61 Route 94   Blairstown,  NJ  07825  (behind Valero Gas Station)   908-362-9555
When calling for an appointment please mention NJTransit