Progress Through Unity

Year-end PTO cash outs

With the end of the year coming up I just wanted to remind you of some of the best practices for filling out the cash-in request timecards. If these guidelines are followed, then it would help us out a lot in getting all of these payments processed as quickly and accurately as possible:

Submit as a “Cash In” Claim Type

1) Requests should be for only type of PTO (vacation, personal, or sick) cash-in per timecard submitted

2) Timecard comments should state to pay remaining balance of the PTO type for 2023 instead of the specific amount (e.g. “Pay remaining 2023 vacation balance” or “Pay all unused 2023 personal days”)

3) There is no need for anyone to submit a separate timecard for each individual day that is being cashed in (e.g. a 32-hour vacation cash-in should be submitted on one request instead of four separate requests)

4) Since we are now using electronic timecards there should not be a need for anyone to submit duplicate timecards. They can email me or the verification department with the request ID# and we can check the status of the request. 


 Mark Falanga

Manager of Payroll

180 Boyden Avenue

Maplewood, NJ  07040

Tel:  973-378-6121

2024 Vacation Awards

See below vacation awards. (Updated 12/13/2023)

For issues with Newark awards please contact;

Rashonda Brown 973-722-9433

Greg Roberts 973-868-0091

Ross Corbin 732-948-8510

For issues with Hoboken awards please contact;

Rob Milan 201-875-7721

 Scott Spratt 862-400-8904

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M&E Service Disruption

Good afternoon brothers and sisters of Local 60. Due to the extensive catenary damage on the M&E line and needs of service which will be compromised between a week and two weeks, the Carrier made the request to make some assignment changes to members assignments without penalty for not advertising the assignment changes in the bulletin for needs of service. 
The Carrier will have numerous assignments out of Dover that will sign up twenty (20) minutes earlier than their normal sign-up time. This is to take into account the travel time from Dover Yard to Morristown via the Jitney. Secondly, there will be some assignments out of Hoboken, Gladstone, Great Notch, and Port Morris with some changes. 
This is an unforeseen emergency, and we agree we need to support service. These members whose assignments are affected will be paid the earnings of their assignments plus 2 hours at the straight time rate. This includes the Ticket Collectors that meet their trains at Dover Station.
There will be seven (7) extra assignments created out of Hoboken and two (2) relay assignments out of New York for Sunnyside equipment moves. I also made a request to add two (2) protect jobs out of Dover Yard. No update on that as of yet.
If the assignments were advertised this would create a rollover effect and would greatly hinder the needs of service. This information will be in today’s Division Notice as well as the Claim Code and information for compensation.
 Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Mileage update

Recently, mileage has fallen behind in being processed and has not been paid in a timely manner.  

We are asking members to submit penalties, please submit on Integrify, as a penalty claim, go back 30 days from date of submission, for each sheet.


One penalty for eight hours for each day until mileage is once again paid timely.

Please forward all claims once denial is received, or if you do not receive a denial within 60 days to



Submit for each day (go 30 days back for unpaid mileage)

Use the below language in details of timecard/penalty submission. 

“Pay eight-hour penalty as per rule 42 letter” A” and “D” submitted a claim for mileage payment on _________ sheet number ________   and was neither denied nor paid in thirty days as per agreement. Claim was presented within thirty days as per TRO-12 1.1.43A &1.1.43B for dates.”

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Verification Dept Schedule Memo Thanksgiving Holiday – November 23 – 24, 2023

Due to Thanksgiving Holiday All timecards/eClaims *Must Be received by Verification
Department No Later Than 11am Wednesday, November 22, 2023 to be considered current
and paid on Thursday, November 30, 2023.
Any and all cards stamped or eClaims received in the Verification Department after 11am on
November 22, 2023 will be processed for the following pay period which will be paid on
Thursday, December 7, 2023.

Verification Department will be closed for the Holiday 11/23-11/24 2023.

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Union made Halloween & Thanksgiving

Look for these union-made-in-the-USA products and services while shopping. Buying union-made supports good jobs. America is at its best when we say and shop UNION YES!

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2024 Holiday Schedule

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2023 NJSLB election Recommendations

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Online fundraiser established for family of Local 610 trainee

Online fundraiser established for family of Local 610 trainee – SMART Union (


The SMART Transportation Division and Local 610 out of Baltimore are mourning the loss of a fallen brother who had his life and career ahead of him.

Derek Scott “D.S.” Little, a trainee due to join SMART-TD Local 610, was killed in a rail accident June 26.

Derek Scott “D.S.” Little, 28, was days away from marking up for the first time as a certified conductor with CSX and was slated to begin his career as a SMART-TD member on July 1st. Engaged to be married, he was two weeks away from the due date for his first child.

Derek was at a point in his life when everything was coming together perfectly. Tragically, it was all taken away from him the evening of June 26th while working at Seagirt Marine Terminal in Baltimore.

Brother Little was involved in an accident while riding on equipment. He didn’t survive to see the birth of his son Logan Matthew Little, or to be married to his fiancée, Kaytee Burns. Well-liked in the crew room, he had a promising career ahead of him in Local 610. More importantly, as his obituary states, “Derek was a kindhearted, goofy, lovable young man who never missed a chance to make you laugh. He loved his family and friends and was looking forward to being a dad.” Beyond his love for his family, he also enjoyed learning about Civil War history and playing golf.

Railroaders know the financial significance of Derek having passed away four days before being marked up, and the financial significance to his fiancée and mother of his unborn son that comes with the fact that he passed away prior to them being married. His family will not receive the same level of support from the carrier and the insurance companies as they would have under different circumstances.

For that reason, SMART-TD is asking all who can to close ranks around this young railroad family in their worst moment and show what it means to be part of this union.

We ask that you follow this link to a GoFundMe online fundraiser established by Local 610’s Safety Committee representative to benefit Kaytee and Logan.

Read his obituary.

T&E Compliance Presentation 2023

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